Mental Health Tips to Weather Any Storm

Mental Health Tips to Weather Any Storm

After the 2020 Covid 19 outbreak mental health became front and center in most of our lives. Whether it was our own feelings of anger, hopelessness and chronic fatigue or watching our loved one’s battle with isolation, illness, and fear. We all became more aware (and hopefully appreciative) of tending to mental health as a priority. The first responses were to use all your vacation time, try taking up journaling, and being sure to exercise but we often did not talk about how and why these things were beneficial. In this blog post, we will share a few popular positive mental health techniques that can help you in your life. Please note I am not a doctor, but just a human wanting to share what works for me.

Tip One: Stand in Gratitude

It is important to understand that not every day is going to be a super awesome day, and that is OKAY. I used to be upset with myself for not always winning the day by making everything and everyone around me happy. This left me feeling frustrated, depleted, and sad. One thing that helped me turn it around was practicing gratitude. Simply by taking the time to reflect on my day and look for the goodness (big or small). This can be done with a friend, therapist, a journal or even a pet. So please know, it is OK to have bad times, but our days should not be defined by just those moments. This reflection must include the blessings, the kindness, the luck, and beauty that is in between.

Tip Two:  Create Effective Routines

According to a recent post in Northwestern Medical’s Health Beat, “An effective routine can help reduce stress, which can lead to better mental health, more time to relax and less anxiety.”   A few simple ways to create an effective routine can be to start writing down a weekly schedule every Sunday, going to the gym before work or blocking out time to spend with an old friend. Why invest the planning time up front? For starters, you have less of those “What did I do today?” days, and more of “Look at how much I accomplished today.” moments! For me, waking up at the same time every day, declaring one true intention, and setting daily priorities helped me navigate the pandemic by focusing on what I could control.

Tip Three: Foster Nourishing Habits

We all know that what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your body. Fostering nourishing habits gives your mind and body the proper tools to heal, grow, and to thrive. So, making sure you are drinking plenty of water, eating lots of vegetables, and moving your body every day can truly go a long way. Be sure to include a practice of prayer, meditation, and mindfulness throughout the day. This does not mean you have to become a yogi or cut out your bedtime movie snacks, but instead of three glasses of water you drink five and practice 10 minutes of deep breathing. A few minor changes can go a long way!

So, as we celebrate mental health awareness month, please consider these are three straightforward tips for taking care of yourself. Always remember, stand in gratitude, create that routine, and foster healthy habits that nourish your mind, body, and spirit!

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As a leadership coach, I provide support and guidance for transforming your goals into actionable plans. Helping you make radical improvements in your life and career are my focus. I provide support and guidance as a leadership coach for transforming the issues that stand in the way of you achieving your goals. Whether you want coaching help to achieve a specific outcome or wish to enhance all areas of your career, I can help you get there faster.