The Enneagram Assessment: How The Enneagram Can Benefit You

The Enneagram Assessment: How The Enneagram Can Benefit You

Have you ever tried to look for ways to grow but you have no idea where to start? Trust me, same here! I always think back to those simple but hard interview questions “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” During the job searching process most of us rehearse those questions because they’re so common. We stick to the same 3 or 4 responses and throw those answers out but how accurate are they now? Yes, previously that may have been your strength or your weakness but wouldn’t it be so much more helpful to have accurate answers not only for your hopefully new employer, but for yourself even without job searching?

Learning what your strengths and weaknesses are can help you strengthen those opportunities and bridge the gaps between the two. This will help you in so many ways professionally and personally simply by giving you a better understanding of who you truly are. One of the best ways to do that is the Enneagram Assessment Personality Test. The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions.(Samanetha Mackay). The enneagram assessment has 9 different personality types and dives into who you are now and were before to take a deeper look at your core beliefs. This can help us better understand how we view relationships, what causes stress, and what career options best fit who you are.

How can leveraging enneagram help me in my career, you might ask? Knowing your enneagram type can help you in many ways in your professional life. Here are three examples:

  1. It can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a worker and a leader. For instance, if you are a type 1, you might be good at setting high standards and ensuring quality work, but you might also struggle with being too critical or rigid. If you are a type 7, you might be good at generating ideas and adapting to change, but you might also have difficulty focusing or committing to long-term goals.
  2. It can help you understand your motivations and fears that drive your behavior and choices. For example, if you are a type 2, you might be motivated by the need to be loved and appreciated by others, but you might also fear being rejected or unwanted. If you are a type 5, you might be motivated by the need to gain knowledge and competence, but you might also fear being incompetent or overwhelmed.
  3. It can help you improve your communication and collaboration skills with different types of people. For instance, if you are a type 3, you might communicate well with other types who value efficiency and results, such as types 1 and 8. But you might have trouble relating to types who value emotions and authenticity more than performance such as types 4 and 9.

Understanding your Enneagram can help you understand why you behave the way you do. After having a better understanding of yourself you can become more aware of hidden core beliefs. It creates self-awareness and uncovers the patterns of behavior that subconsciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. Working with the Enneagram empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own behaviors and growth, from a greater understanding of why they act and react the way they do. By understanding yourself and others better, you can leverage your strengths, overcome your weaknesses, and achieve your goals. You can also use the enneagram to grow as a person and develop more harmony and happiness in your life. If you are interested in learning more about your enneagram type, please click the link below.

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As a leadership coach, I provide support and guidance for transforming your goals into actionable plans. Helping you make radical improvements in your life and career are my focus. I provide support and guidance as a leadership coach for transforming the issues that stand in the way of you achieving your goals. Whether you want coaching help to achieve a specific outcome or wish to enhance all areas of your career, I can help you get there faster.